What Counsel Do We Listen To?

By: Lori Voyzey and Shelia White

Proverbs 1:8 tells us to “Listen my son to your father’s instruction.”

We are commanded to listen(heed, pay attention to, take to heart) to our father’s instruction. Godly training, when accepted, shall prove to be of great value and blessing.

The reality of our earthly families can at times distort our ability to understand what true listening and obeying looks like. We are to listen first to our parents, as we learn to heed the instruction of our heavenly Father.

Earthly fathers and mothers are the earliest representatives to children of the principle of authority. They have the opportunity of the first word, and they make the earliest and deepest impression. In most circumstances, our fathers and mothers are the sincerest of teachers, as they have no temptation to be insincere to their own children. Their number one objective is to do good for the child.

We parents are to train up our children in the instruction and discipline of the Lord before turning them loose to make their own way in the world. The Lord provides parents with words of wisdom and experiences to train us and help us mature, which in turn, we are to share with our children. This gives them the best opportunity to succeed physically and spiritually.

Even those who are not raised by the Word of our Lord; who do not have godly parents, are commanded to honor their fathers and mothers. After all, they have lived much longer than their children, they have done the best they could, and we know that God wants to bring restoration to all relationships.

Exodus 20:12 “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.”

Just as we are to honor the One who created us, so we are to honor those who were chosen to carry out God’s plan for our creation - our fathers and mothers. Jesus honored and obeyed His parents. Family is important to God. We are His family. When we honor our families, it is a direct reflection of how He loves us. Our earthly families are often dysfunctional and broken, but He still loves us.

The book of Proverbs is God’s invitation to learn wisdom from previous generations. We can rest assured that Jesus will provide us with all the training we need to succeed on life’s journey if we will seek His will and direction. And when our fathers on earth fail us, we have the same privilege as Solomon did to ask God for wisdom, knowing that He will give it.

We are to seek the right instruction that comes from God and godly parents to avoid the ruinous consequences of a life without God. If the Lord wills, each day we are presented with a path to follow:

Godly/Parental instruction: Listen to instruction and fear the Lord - humble ourselves living virtuously with generosity and integrity which will lead to success and peace.

World’s instruction: Folly and evil which breeds selfishness and pride which leads to ruin and shame.

Who do we listen to? God or the world? Scripture instructs us to listen to our father’s instruction and not to forsake our mother’s teaching.

Colossians 3:20 “Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.”

God’s commandments are guardrails and life preservers to be passed on to children from their parents. They exist out of love, to help us live life to the fullest. If earthly families fail to instruct in the wisdom of God then we must cling to the source that provides such instruction.

A life lived by God’s will and instruction does not just happen; so one must seek after it, study it, pursue it, and discipline oneself. Such a life is available to those who go after it. All we know is we never want to hear the most devastating consequence for our sin that was spoken by our Lord: “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’” (Matthew 7:23).

The two of us have lived most of our lives in the world. But praise be to God, we had someone mentor us and teach us God’s word. After studying and learning, we obeyed the gospel and became God’s children. We are first generation Christians, and every day we make the decision to share Jesus with our family, friends and whoever we can help to add to His Kingdom!

You must wake up and choose to live every day for God. You must choose being successful in God’s eyes instead of society’s. God longs for us to call to Him as our source of life, wisdom, guidance, and truth. His is the right instruction. When you know the Lord, He will transform your life for He is Mighty! Trust your journey. Rest your soul. God is with you and will see you through.


The Trouble with Listening


Are We Good Listeners?