Speakers’ Corner
Named after Speakers’ Corner in London, this is where our Editors at different ages and stages of life encourage and spur on those of our shared inheritance. Join us here as we contemplate the Word at work in our daily lives.
Abraham (Part 1)
Continuing our look into Hebrews 11, after the examples of Abel, Enoch, and Noah, the Hebrew writer mentions Abraham. He’s going to speak about Abraham in verses 8 - 10 and then again in 17-19. I’m also going to deal with Abraham in two sections because I don’t know how you wouldn’t…I mean, if it’s good enough for the Hebrews writer…
In Hebrews 11:6, we are told that without faith, we can’t be pleasing to God. It is the beginning; the seed of our hope rests in the knowledge that God is and that He will keep His promises and reward those who seek to be with Him, which has been the rule since the beginning of time, one which Abel and Enoch obviously lived by.
Abel and Cain
Faith has always been the mark of those who desire to live righteously. Men and women from the dawn of time have either had faith that God is the creator - that He alone brings order from chaos - and that He will keep His promises, or they haven’t. Belief isn’t the same as faith.
The Evidence of Things Not Seen
In the young adult class where I worship, we’ve been studying faith. I’d like to share some of our conversations with you as we’ve focused this past month on Hebrews 11.